Monday, June 1, 2009

Bass build update 2

Pics still in same location - you'll see I routed out the rough body shape. Ok. I learned a lot. 1 - really should create a template for the neck cavity. Lesson learned. 2 - check your router bits before using. In the 4th pic, you'll notice the right body countour has a gouge in it. The bearing to the flush router bit flew off and I didn't notice. D'oh. 3 - when you feel yourself running out of patience, stop. I didn't stop and now I have to get a new piece of ebony for the bridge. 4 - Never, ever, ever try to cut corners. Luckily, I didn't.
Next steps: bridge positioning, string-through holes to be drilled, bridge carving, stain testing, paint removal from neck, body top carving. Yeah - I'm carving the top. It's a little nuts, but I want something unique.

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